Julia and the Easter cakatrope

At easter Julia was making a cake trope again and wanted to add a stop motion element to the beginning when she made the film. She asked me if I wanted to help her out with it and suggested I get spencer's help with it. She asked for a creature of some sort hatching from an egg and doing something anything I wanted.

I decided to be weird and hatch an alligator, who promptly got annoyed at the easter celebrations and hid himself away in his egg again.

This part I got spenders help with. It was a little messy and there was several stages where we had to prop things up with not entirely edible elements but we managed in the end and we were really pleased with ourselves! Thanks spencer!

In addition to that I helped with the pixelation of the beginning cracking of the egg and the cutting into the cake.

It was real fun actually. We couldn't attach dragon frame at all because we couldn't plug the camcorder into it so we worked the old fashioned way. But our combined natural knowledge of animation meant that we didn't really need to be checking the camera too often anyway and when julia put the whole thing together it looked really good!

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