Helping the 4th Year - Alice

I offered my services as an additional hand to a couple of the 4th year but I didn't ever get any work from Steven to do so I'm not sure what happened there but Alice gave me some stuff to work on so I'm happy with that.

She gave me two scenes to do, one of which I have completed and the other is still a work in progress.

I'm just doing some colouring in for her but I really liked the piece I got from her in the end and it looked really nice once it was all done.

The scene I finished was of her character Jimmy running forward and the camera was keeping pace with him from behind.

She gave me all the things I was going to need to complete the scene, so paintbrushes, colour pallets, the outlines, everything. It only took me half a day to finish it in as it was just a small scene but I had to pay attention to the detail very closely because nothing else was happening on the screen so I wanted to make sure there were no small details that would get caught on the big screen.

Alice hasn't made a version yet with just this part in it but part of a bigger sequence which I have linked here for you instead. I also believe this is the graphic she used in her section of the degree show booklet so I might take a picture of that for this when it's done too.

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