When Balls Go Bad

So for our next project we're putting the balls from bouncy bouncy into an environment. Either the ball or the environment have to be effected in the animation and we need to use everything we've learnt so far. So from bouncy bouncy I decided myself that I would work on the way my animations finished as I was told that when the ball came to a stop it didn't feel natural and also my spacing as it was generally felt that in some places the ball sped up when it shouldn't or bounced to high where it wouldn't. In this project I hope to work on these aspects to get a smoother running animation.

So I decided to chose my orange to per-sue into this project. The aspects I am taking from that project forward is the strong element of colour and the black line round the outside.

So when I began thinking first about where I would usually find an orange. So my first thoughts were:

In a kitchen.

For this concept I kept in mind that Jared had asked us to think about cause and effect and I began thinking about this animation:

As it's set in a kitchen it came to my mind very quickly when I thought about how my ball could move in a kitchen. I thought about this freezing idea and on a tangent I came up with an idea.

I thought that the orange could bounce out the bowl or roll out a bag, then roll over the switch on the kettle, setting it off. Following this the condensation would cause the room to dampen. From here I thought it could bounce of the freezer door opening it and freezing the condensation into sheets of ice. Lastly I wanted the ball to bounce off the washing machine causing it to start and then shake the ground and make ice cubes.

Our ideas had to be influenced by something we were doing in first year outside of studio work, which actually left us with very little options. I decided to relate my animations to modernism and this is why I picked a kitchen. The modernist designed the basic idea for the contemporary kitchen after measuring how much time is wasted in a woman's day by the old design. They made kitchens efficient and this was an idea I thought about playing with. 

However in the end I decided to disregard this idea as I thought it didn't have enough focus on the ball and would be more work than I had time for. 

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